Animators spoofs and jokes on cels

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I'm going to be putting some of the joke cels I find on this page.
Animators sometimes make joke or spoof cels as a funny way to pass time and to see if they can get them on film.
Most shows have them in them if you look, I'm told by a few animators it's like a challenge to see who can get the biggest spoof on screen passed the directors and head animators of these shows.
If you have one of these cels and you think you see something funny on it drop me a line and tell me about it and if you want to sell it let me know I will be on the lookout for these and I will start collecting this type of cels.

 Deep throat!

 Bone head #2

 Bone head #1

 Itchy sticking his tongue out

 Condom part #2

 condom scene part 1

Curator: backlotanimation
Gallery Created: 1/4/2005
Hits: 63625

Presentation 8.45/10   Collection 9.11/10   Overall 8.66/10   Votes 49 votes
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