Chroma cel collection

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I'm going to try and get all the chroma cels that were made to complete this collection.
Chroma cels are reproduction cels that were made by printing the cel on the back of the plastic to make the print look like a production cel, they are real copies of the production cels or hankens used on game covers and videos covers.
These were made for collectors in limited numbers and some can be hard to find now.
I'm still looking for the ones from Dragonball Z, there are two of them and the show Sailor Moon, There were four of them.
If you have one of these and would like to sell them drop me a email and let me know what you want for them.

 Magic, the gathering

 Magic, the gathering

 Night Warriors,darkstalkers revenge

 Night Warriors ,darkstalkers revenge

 Battle Arena Toshinden

 Fatal Fury

 Bubble Gum Crisis

 Bubble Gum Crisis #1

 Project A-Ko

 Oh My Goddess

 Oh My Goddess!

 Ranma 1/2 #3

 Ranma1/2 #2

 Ranma 1/2 #1

 The Slayers #2

 The Slayers

Curator: backlotanimation
Gallery Created: 1/4/2005
Hits: 63624

Presentation 8.45/10   Collection 9.11/10   Overall 8.66/10   Votes 49 votes
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